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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
St. John the Evangelist Essay Example For Students
St. John the Evangelist Essay All through the mankind's history there have been numerous holy people who have lived among us. They followed Jesus standards and they did Gods will. Perhaps the most punctual holy person was St. John, and he lived during the hours of Jesus. His adolescence and his date of birth are obscure, however it is notable that he was probably the best devotee and understudies of Jesus. St. John was the child of Zebedee, and the sibling of St. James the Great with whom he was raised to the exchange of angling. While Jesus was spreading his lessons and his supernatural occurrences St. John entered open service. At that point in his first year of open service our Lord called him to be an Apostle. He was called to be an Apostle with his sibling, as they were repairing their nets on the ocean of Galilee. St. John was the most youthful of the considerable number of missionaries, and outlasted the others. It is difficult to list in subtleties, all the difficulties that St. John confronted. His difficulties were really trailed by Gods will and helped numerous individuals. St. John was one of the initial ones who comprehended and concentrated how an individual should live, by what means should he carry on, and how moral his life ought to be. He was one of the first to follow those heavenly standards, and demonstrate them to other people. Probably the best test was composing a gospel. St. John the Evangelist is generally known for composing a fourth Gospel. In the event that you would request that any individual rundown his difficulties nearly everyone would reveal to you that he composed a gospel. It is accepted that he composed a Gospel at the time of 96, after the demise of Domitian. His article recorded as a hard copy it he discloses to us himself: These things are composed that you may accept that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that, accepting, you may have life in His name. So as to compose a Gospel you must be really associated with blessed life without anyone else. St. John went tossed Jesus lessons and he opened himself to Jesus. An amazing entirety he spent by communicating affection to other people and by actualizing Jesus standards. In this manner before composing a Gospel, St. John experienced everything on himself. He additionally composed three epistles. The first is called catholic, as routed to all Christians, particularly hi s proselytes. The other two are short, and coordinated to specific people, to Gaius and to neighborhood church. The Book of Revelation is additionally ascribed to him. We will compose a custom paper on St. John the Evangelist explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Composing a Gospel was not by any means the only incredible test that St. John acted in his life. He turned into the adored follower and the just one of the Twelve who didn't neglect the Savior in the hour of Jesus Passion. He demonstrated it himself by alluding to himself in a Gospel with a pleased modesty as the supporter whom Jesus adored. Jesus would have him present with Peter and James at His transfiguration and His desolation in the nursery. Likewise John was picked to go with Peter into the city to set up the Last Supper. St. John stood loyally at the cross when the Savior made him the watchman of his mom. Along with his sibling James and with Simon Peter, he shaped a sort of inward hover of Three among the Twelve. In that those three were favored to see the wonder of the Great Catch of Fish, the recuperating of Peters relative, the bringing up of the little girl of Jairus, the Transfiguration, and the Agony in Gethsemane. So St. John was encircled with difficulties and he applied Jesus guideline in each challenge that he confronted. Those individuals who required assistance and second absolution heard the accompanying word from St. John, I will respond in due order regarding you to Jesus Chris. I am prepared to set out my life for you. I am sent by Christ. When St. John heard that Christs catacomb was open, he was the first to see that Christ was undoubtedly risen. He additionally helped at the chamber, which the witnesses held at Jerusalem. Later his life was passed essentially in Jerusalem and at Ephesus. He established numerous temples in Asia Minor. Brought to Rome, custom relates that he was by request of Emperor Dometian cast into a cauldron of bubbling oil however approached safe and was exiled to the island of Pathmos for a year. At the point when age and shortcoming developed upon him at Ephesus with the goal that he wasnt ready to lecture the individuals, he used to be conveyed to the get together of the dedicated, and each time said to his run just these words, My little youngsters, love each other. At the point when he was inquired as to why he said it he answered, Because it is the expression of the Lord, and in the event that you keep it you do what's needed. He lived to an outrageous mature age, enduring all his kindred witnesses, and kicked the bucket about the year 100. St. John is known as the Apostle of Charity, an ideals he had gained from his Divine Master. He utilized that ideals in his words and activities. The adored pupil kicked the bucket at Ephesus, where a masterful church was raised over his burial chamber. It was a short time later changed over into a Mohammedan mosque. .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af , .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af .postImageUrl , .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af , .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af:hover , .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af:visited , .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af:active { border:0!important; } .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af:active , .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af:hover { haziness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enrichment: underline; } .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-embellishment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u678fb2906aa34572ac5 009a3b729b4af .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u678fb2906aa34572ac5009a3b729b4af:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Essay About Schizophrenia The commitment that St. John made to the Christian people group and the world is critical. He is the person who will be known always for his works and his difficulties. He will be rarely overlooked, as he was the person who passed Jesus instructing to the entire world. He gave his life for the future, with the goal that today we would realize by what method should we live as Christians, and how ethically should we carry on. There are a great deal of things that I gained from St. Johns life. His compositions were significant for Christian history, subsequently for many individuals who educated from his works, and that incorporates me also. I discovered that caring all individuals is significant however not simply cherishing the once who just give you love. Offering affection to God significant. I ought not stress over my garments or assets or what stresses I ought to defeat the following day. God deals with that. I am a great deal unique at the present time. I stress over what I will product the following day, in the event that I lost something I can freeze, when I don't understand that the more I alarm the less I get an opportunity of finding what I have lost. St. john was an incredible legend and he was eager to surrender his life for God and for everybody and for what's to come. From this I discovered that this individual truly was a saint and he was showing us how to carry on with the correct route throughout everyday life. Today there are a great deal of Churches and schools work under his name. Today everyone has a long way to go from St. John. His life is an ideal model for us. He is the person who can change numerous existences of various individuals, and impact their conduct. St. John the Evangelist, the devotee whom Jesus cherished will be referred to always, as Jesus stated, he will not kick the bucket.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Galveston County, Texas Essays - Health, Psychiatry, Greater Houston
Galveston County, Texas A. Recognizable proof of Community As per the Census Bureau of 2010, Galveston County has a populace of 291,309 individuals who live inside the locale making this zone in the southern Gulf Coast area seventeenth in positioning as indicated by populace. Most occupants are between the ages of 35 and 64 with Caucasians standing out at 58%, trailed by Hispanics at 23%, with African Americans trailing at simply 14%. A large portion of the network has a clerical occupation with the middle family unit pay coming to roughly $58,000 every year. In spite of the fact that these numbers may look great, 12.8% of the whole populace lives beneath the neediness run with the littlest populace of the area having the biggest rate underneath the destitution line at 28.5%. Of the district's whole network, almost 50% of its inhabitants fit the bill for open help (40%), in any case, as per records discharged by auditing the SNAP/Food Stamp Participation report, 10% of the individuals who qualify acknowledge help. The pace of joblessness is tantamount to that of the territory of Texas at 6.9% with simply 0.7% distinction, coming in under the national rate. The greater part of the area's home alumni from secondary school and proceed to get their Bachelor's qualification, or far and away superior, an advanced education! This measurement is similar to the details of the remainder of the territory of Texas and the nation. Two states detainment facilities exist inside the limits of the province which hold 820 co-ed detainees with the imprisonment rate inside the nearby prisons remaining marginally more noteworthy than that of the state's. Regardless of whether the individuals of Galveston County don't utilize them, entertainment offices are generally open for a more advantageous way of life just as access to new, sound nourishments. Similarly as most occupants in the province of Texas, the drinking rate, physical idleness, and the pace of grown-ups who smoke are practically identical. (QuickFacts, 2013) Wellbeing concerns identifying with sickness managing transmittable illnesses are more prominent than Texas' rate. Galveston County is in the base 25% of the considerable number of areas in Texas with the best concerns concentrated on serum lead levels among pediatrics, (8 out of 24 of all the postal districts), with extraordinary worries over syphilis and varicella trailing. Out of all the Texas provinces, Galveston County is positioned second in Mesothelioma withdrawal with malignant growth rates demonstrating to be the most exceedingly awful out everything being equal. In view of this reality, this district shows to have a higher than most death rate with the paces of preterm births, lower than ordinary birth loads, and baby mortality supposedly higher than that in the entire of Texas and US. (healthypeople.org, 2013) Inhabitants with protection are more noteworthy than the pace of all Texas occupants with medical coverage, in any case, are no correlation with regards to the national normal of guaranteed youngsters 17 and under. As per the Texas Department of State Health Services of 2012, eight regions of the whole province qualify at MAUs, or Medicinally Underserved Areas. A large portion of the worries of not setting off to the specialist was not identified with cost and was accounted for lower than the normal for Texas with preventable remains as an inpatient was more noteworthy. Galveston County is a governmentally assigned Health Professional Shortage Area, or HPSA, which identifies with essential consideration, and respectably for the dental perspective and psychological wellness suppliers also. (HRSA, 2013) Professionals though parts of human services including essential couldn't care less and experts are missing for the whole region, alongside dental specialists to think about oral wellbeing too. Identifying with the emotional well-being network, just 31 authorized psych beds exist for each 100,000 occupants of the whole region, with just seven offices accessible which help with substance misuse. (SAMHSA, 2013) The pace of re-affirmations following 30 days for clinical issues was practically identical with the national normal, be that as it may, any releases identifying with a surgery or a diabetic patient was more noteworthy than normal. The general accord inside the region among inhabitants is that acceptable wellbeing originates from great wellbeing practices and copious deterrent wellbeing administrations and prescriptions. As per WHO 2013, the meaning of wellbeing is a condition of complete physical, mental and social prosperity and not just the nonattendance of malady or ailment. Most of
Friday, August 21, 2020
Summertime, and the livin is easy
Summertime, and the livin’ is easy I said Id do it, no? Many of these websites wont have information about Summer 2007 programs up until around January, but the info from last summer is still comprehensive enough for you to take what you will from it. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO ANY SUMMER PROGRAM TO GET INTO MIT, by the way. Im putting up these links simply because theyre all interesting programs that some of you may want to look into, what with summer often involving large amounts of free time. Lets start off with the Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University, or CTD. At CTD, you spend 6-7 hours a day for three weeks taking one course for high school credit, while living in a dorm on campus. I was in this program for two summers (I took AP European History the summer after 10th grade, and AP US Government and Politics the next summer) and really enjoyed it so much so that Im considering applying to be an RTA this summer, too! Along the same lines as CTD, theres CTY at Johns Hopkins University, which Jess went to. Both CTD and CTY also offer distance learning courses during the school year, which may or may not work for you. (I took a couple of online classes and found it more difficult to learn material, but I tend to learn more from sitting in a lecture and listening. To each his own.) Duke Universitys Talent Identification Program offers the option of either taking classes for college credit or doing field studies (in marine biology or medicine, for example) both in the United States and abroad. Boston Universitys High School Honors Program for incoming high school seniors, Cornell Universitys Summer College, and Harvard Summer Schools Secondary School Program also have summer classes you can take for college credit. Also, check out Questbridge, which offers help with the costs of summer programs at Harvard, Stanford, and Yale. They also have a scholarship program for high school seniors applying to colleges, but its limited to the programs participating colleges and universities (which include Williams, Columbia, and Princeton). The Questbridge applications are closed for the year, though sorry! For the artistically inclined, we have Columbia Colleges High School Summer Institute. Also, University of Miamis Summer Scholar Programs offer a diverse range of classes in visual arts, sports medicine, and more (and come on! Miami in the summer! /shameless plug). I know what some of you are thinking, since I worried about the same thing when I was first looking into these: WHY ARE ALL OF THESE SO EXPENSIVE?! And they are some of them cost even more now than they did when I was in 10th grade (and since that was only three years ago, you can understand why I find that so discomfiting). Many of the aforementioned programs offer financial aid, which often covers anywhere from 1/4 to the full cost of the program. Others cost nothing at all, such as the Telluride Association Summer Programs for sophomores and juniors. The Telluride Association is well-renowned for its residential programs for students in high school and college; my friend Rachel did TASP at UT Austin last year and loved it. Of course, I cant forget MITs own summer programs Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science (MITES), Womens Technology Program (WTP), and the Research Science Institute (RSI). MITES and RSI are free; WTP is partially subsidized and offers some financial aid. Finally, go look at Fastweb, for anything I havent already thought of (and a few things I did). Okay. Youve gotten two posts from me in one day. Its about time I did some work.
Summertime, and the livin is easy
Summertime, and the livin’ is easy I said Id do it, no? Many of these websites wont have information about Summer 2007 programs up until around January, but the info from last summer is still comprehensive enough for you to take what you will from it. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO ANY SUMMER PROGRAM TO GET INTO MIT, by the way. Im putting up these links simply because theyre all interesting programs that some of you may want to look into, what with summer often involving large amounts of free time. Lets start off with the Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University, or CTD. At CTD, you spend 6-7 hours a day for three weeks taking one course for high school credit, while living in a dorm on campus. I was in this program for two summers (I took AP European History the summer after 10th grade, and AP US Government and Politics the next summer) and really enjoyed it so much so that Im considering applying to be an RTA this summer, too! Along the same lines as CTD, theres CTY at Johns Hopkins University, which Jess went to. Both CTD and CTY also offer distance learning courses during the school year, which may or may not work for you. (I took a couple of online classes and found it more difficult to learn material, but I tend to learn more from sitting in a lecture and listening. To each his own.) Duke Universitys Talent Identification Program offers the option of either taking classes for college credit or doing field studies (in marine biology or medicine, for example) both in the United States and abroad. Boston Universitys High School Honors Program for incoming high school seniors, Cornell Universitys Summer College, and Harvard Summer Schools Secondary School Program also have summer classes you can take for college credit. Also, check out Questbridge, which offers help with the costs of summer programs at Harvard, Stanford, and Yale. They also have a scholarship program for high school seniors applying to colleges, but its limited to the programs participating colleges and universities (which include Williams, Columbia, and Princeton). The Questbridge applications are closed for the year, though sorry! For the artistically inclined, we have Columbia Colleges High School Summer Institute. Also, University of Miamis Summer Scholar Programs offer a diverse range of classes in visual arts, sports medicine, and more (and come on! Miami in the summer! /shameless plug). I know what some of you are thinking, since I worried about the same thing when I was first looking into these: WHY ARE ALL OF THESE SO EXPENSIVE?! And they are some of them cost even more now than they did when I was in 10th grade (and since that was only three years ago, you can understand why I find that so discomfiting). Many of the aforementioned programs offer financial aid, which often covers anywhere from 1/4 to the full cost of the program. Others cost nothing at all, such as the Telluride Association Summer Programs for sophomores and juniors. The Telluride Association is well-renowned for its residential programs for students in high school and college; my friend Rachel did TASP at UT Austin last year and loved it. Of course, I cant forget MITs own summer programs Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science (MITES), Womens Technology Program (WTP), and the Research Science Institute (RSI). MITES and RSI are free; WTP is partially subsidized and offers some financial aid. Finally, go look at Fastweb, for anything I havent already thought of (and a few things I did). Okay. Youve gotten two posts from me in one day. Its about time I did some work.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
My Writing Story At The Young Age Of Eight - 996 Words
My writing story begins at the young age of eight. I can still remember learning cursive in third grade, and although I could not tell you my teacher’s name, I remember her patience in teaching us the uppercase and lowercase letters on an overhead projector. It was exciting and new, and built the foundation for my love of writing, and to this day I write exclusively in cursive. Following the excitement of cursive came my love for journaling. Still today, I find great joy and peace in writing in my journal. I love to go back and read the princess diary I maintained in elementary or the journal I kept so faithfully as my dad fought for his life in an Intensive Care Unit just a few years ago. I believe that beautiful writing is not about the words we use, but the emotions we conjure. I consider myself to be an expressive writer, because I have come to know that I express myself far better in writing than I ever could aloud. While I do enjoy a good research paper, I have found tha t I only succeed in my goals when I write my thoughts and feelings on subjects that I am deeply passionate about. While some days, I am the writer who spends two days editing and reediting an Instagram caption, searching for that perfect pun. I aim for perfection in everything I do, but as Brian Jackson teaches in his book, Mindful Writing, perfection is never truly reached. I came to realize the writer I am my sophomore year of high school. As I mentioned earlier, the most faithful journaling time inShow MoreRelatedMy Experience Of Creative Writing946 Words  | 4 PagesCreative writing is something that has and always will be an important part of my life. It’s helped me discover what I truly want to do in life and something that I have been interested in ever since I was a young kid. I remember vividly when I first starting taking an interest in writing original stories of my own. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Biography of Harriet Tubman, Helped Slaves to Freedom
Harriet Tubman (c. 1820–March 10, 1913) was a slave, fugitive, Underground Railroad conductor, abolitionist, spy, soldier, and nurse known for her service during the Civil War and her advocacy of civil rights and womens suffrage. Tubman remains one of historys most inspiring African-Americans and there are many childrens stories about her, but those usually stress her early life, escape from slavery, and work with the Underground Railroad. Less known are her Civil War service and her other activities in the nearly 50 years she lived after the war. Fast Facts: Harriet Tubman Known For: Abolitionist causes, Civil War work, civil rightsAlso Known As: Araminta Ross, Araminta Green, Harriet Ross, Harriet Ross Tubman, MosesBorn: c. 1820 in Dorchester County, MarylandParents: Benjamin Ross, Harriet GreenDied: March 10, 1913 in Auburn, New YorkSpouses: John Tubman, Nelson DavisChildren: GertieNotable Quote: I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other; for no man should take me alive. Early Life Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in Dorchester County, Maryland, in 1820 or 1821, on the plantation of Edward Brodas or Brodess. Her birth name was Araminta, and she was called Minty until she changed her name to Harrietâ€â€after her motherâ€â€as an early teen. Her parents, Benjamin Ross and Harriet Green, were enslaved Africans who saw many of their 11 children sold into the Deep South. At age 5, Araminta was rented to neighbors to do housework. She was never good at household chores and was beaten by her owners and renters. She wasnt educated to read or write. She eventually was assigned to work as a field hand, which she preferred to housework. At age 15, she suffered a head injury when she blocked the path of the overseer pursuing an uncooperative slave. The overseer flung a weight at the other slave, hitting Tubman, who probably sustained a severe concussion. She was ill for a long time and never fully recovered. In 1844 or 1845, Tubman married John Tubman, a free black man. Shortly after her marriage, she hired a lawyer to investigate her legal history and discovered that her mother had been freed on a technicality upon the death of a former owner. The lawyer advised her that a court wouldnt likely hear the case, so she dropped it. But knowing that she should have been born free led her to contemplate freedom and resent her situation. In 1849, Tubman heard that two of her brothers were about to be sold to the Deep South, and her husband threatened to sell her, too. She tried to persuade her brothers to escape with her but left alone, making her way to Philadelphia and freedom. The next year, Tubman decided to return to Maryland to free her sister and her sisters family. Over the next 12 years, she returned 18 or 19 times, bringing more than 300 people out of slavery. Underground Railroad Tubmans organizing ability was crucial to her work with the Underground Railroad, a network of opponents of slavery that helped fugitive slaves escape. Tubman was only 5 feet tall, but she was smart and strong and carried a rifle. She used it not only to intimidate pro-slavery people but also to keep slaves from backing out. She told any who seemed ready to leave that dead Negroes tell no tales about the railroad. When Tubman first reached Philadelphia, she was, under the law of the time, a free woman, but passage of the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850 made her a wanted fugitive again. All citizens were obligated to aid in her recapture, so she had to operate quietly. But she soon became known throughout abolitionist circles and freedmens communities. After the Fugitive Slave Act passed, Tubman began guiding her Underground Railroad passengers to Canada, where they could be truly free. From 1851 through 1857, she lived parts of the year in St. Catherines, Canada, and Auburn, New York, where many anti-slavery citizens lived. Other Activities In addition to her twice-yearly trips to Maryland to help slaves escape, Tubman developed her oratorical skills and began speaking publicly at anti-slavery meetings and, by the end of the decade, womens rights meetings. A price had been placed on her headâ€â€at one time it was as high as $40,000â€â€but she was never betrayed. Tubman freed three of her brothers in 1854, bringing them to St. Catherines. In 1857, Tubman brought her parents to freedom. They couldnt take Canadas climate, so she settled them on land she bought in Auburn with the aid of abolitionist supporters. Earlier, she had returned to rescue her husband John Tubman, only to find hed remarried and wasnt interested in leaving. Tubman earned money as a cook and laundress, but she also received support from public figures in New England, including key abolitionists. She was supported by Susan B Anthony, William H. Seward, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Horace Mann, the Alcotts, including educator Bronson Alcott and writer Louisa May Alcott, William Still of Philadelphia, and Thomas Garratt of Wilmington, Delaware. Some supporters used their homes as Underground Railroad stations. John Brown In 1859, when John Brown was organizing a rebellion he believed would end slavery, he consulted Tubman. She supported his plans at Harpers Ferry, raised funds in Canada, and recruited soldiers. She intended to help him take the armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia to supply guns to slaves they believed would rebel against their enslavement. But she became ill and wasnt there. Browns raid failed and his supporters were killed or arrested. She mourned her friends deaths and continued to hold Brown as a hero. Civil War Tubmans trips to the South as Moses, as shed become known for leading her people to freedom, ended as the Southern states began to secede and the U.S. government prepared for war. Once war started, Tubman went South to assist with contrabands, escaped slaves attached to the Union Army. The next year, the Union Army asked Tubman to organize a network of scouts and spies among black men. She led forays to gather information and persuade slaves to leave their masters. Many joined regiments of black soldiers. In July 1863, Tubman led troops commanded by Col. James Montgomery in the Combahee River expedition, disrupting Southern supply lines by destroying bridges and railroads and freeing more than 750 slaves. Gen. Rufus Saxton, who reported the raid to Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, said: This is the only military command in American history wherein a woman, black or white, led the raid and under whose inspiration it was originated and conducted. Some believe Tubman was allowed to go beyond womens traditional boundaries because of her race. Tubman, believing she was employed by the U.S. Army, spent her first paycheck on building a place where freed black women could earn a living doing laundry for soldiers. But she wasnt paid regularly or given rations she believed she deserved. She received only $200 in three years of service, supporting herself by selling baked goods and root beer, which she made after she completed her regular duties. After the war, Tubman never got her back military pay. When she applied for a pensionâ€â€with the support of Secretary of State William Seward, Colonel T. W. Higginson, and Rufusâ€â€her application was denied. Despite her service and fame, she had no official documents to prove she had served in the war. Freedmen Schools After the war, Tubman established schools for freedmen in South Carolina. She never learned to read and write, but she appreciated the value of education and supported efforts to educate former slaves. She later returned to her home in Auburn, New York, which was her base for the rest of her life. She financially supported her parents, and her brothers and their families moved to Auburn. Her first husband died in 1867 in a fight with a white man. In 1869 she married Nelson Davis, who had been enslaved in North Carolina but served as a Union Army soldier. He was often ill, probably with tuberculosis, and frequently couldnt work. Tubman welcomed several children into her home, raising them as her own, and supported some impoverished former slaves, financing her efforts through donations and loans. In 1874, she and Davis adopted a baby girl named Gertie. Publishing and Speaking To finance her life and her support of others, she worked with historian Sarah Hopkins Bradford to publish Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman in 1869. The book was initially financed by abolitionists, including Wendell Phillips and Gerrit Smith, the latter a supporter of John Brown and first cousin of suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Tubman toured to speak about her experiences as Moses. In 1886, Bradford, with Tubmans help, wrote a full-scale biography of Tubman titled Harriet Tubman: Moses of Her People. In the 1890s, she finally was able to collect a pension as Davis widow: $8 a month. Tubman also worked with Susan B. Anthony on womens suffrage. She attended womens rights conventions and spoke for the womens movement, advocating for the rights of women of color. In 1896, Tubman spoke at the first meeting of the National Association of Colored Women. Continuing to support aged and poor African-Americans, Tubman established a home on 25 acres next to her home in Auburn, raising money with help from the AME Church and a local bank. The home, which opened in 1908, initially was called the John Brown Home for Aged and Indigent Colored People but later was named for her. She donated the home to the AME Zion Church with the proviso that it would be kept as a home for the elderly. She moved into the home in 1911 and died of pneumonia on March 10, 1913. Legacy Harriet Tubman became an icon after her death. A World War II Liberty ship was named for her, and in 1978 she was featured on a commemorative stamp. Her home has been named a national historic landmark. The four phases of Tubmans lifeâ€â€a slave; an abolitionist and conductor on the Underground Railroad; a Civil War soldier, nurse, spy and scout; and a social reformerâ€â€are important aspects of her dedication to service. Schools and museums bear her name and her history has been told in books, movies, and documentaries. In April 2016, Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew announced that Tubman would replace President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill by 2020, but the plans were delayed. Sources Timeline of the Life of Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman Historical Society.Harriet Tubman Biography. Harriettubmanbiography.com.Harriet Tubman: American Abolitionist. Encyclopaedia Britannica.Harriet Tubman Biography. Biography.com.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ethics Of Science The Ethical Dilemma Of The Films ...
Ethics of Science The central ethical dilemma of many of the films and stories we looked at this semester hinged on the question of whether or not man should employ his knowledge of genetics and science to engineer or revive a species that had become extinct, usually due to natural processes. As a science major myself, it was interesting to explore these themes and the scenarios presented in each individual piece of literature. Questionable ethics run rampant in stories such as Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Jurassic Park. â€Å"None but those who have experienced them can conceive of the enticements of science. In other studies you go as far as others have gone before you, and there is nothing more to know; but in a scientific pursuit there†¦show more content†¦He is in constant refusal of responsibility, and ends up essentially plaguing not only his life, but also the lives around him. After constructing and animating the creature, he’s in a flux never end ing negative emotions. The creation gets turned into a monster both physically and mentally. Frankenstein describes the horrors that come along with scientific experimentation, and the pursuit of science unavoidably leading to tragedy. The novel presents insights that are just as valid today as when the novel was written in the 19th century. Dr. Frankenstein makes a scientific breakthrough in his creation of the monster, but at what cost? This novel shows us the dangers of attempting to find something we are simply unprepared to manage. Victor’s urges to truly learn the secret of making life completely blinds him to the consequences of achieving such a feat. This book also shows that our ethical (or unethical) actions have the potential to hurt not only ourselves, but also others around us. Frankenstein is a fictional story, however the universal theme of lack of ethics in scientific experimentation can be pulled from this story and applied to modern times. During World War 2, Nazi scientists performed grueling experiments, utterly blinded by what they were doing in a pursuit to learn the secrets of life. Joseph Mengele, infamously known as the â€Å"Angel of Death†, engaged in human
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