Sunday, May 24, 2020
My Writing Story At The Young Age Of Eight - 996 Words
My writing story begins at the young age of eight. I can still remember learning cursive in third grade, and although I could not tell you my teacher’s name, I remember her patience in teaching us the uppercase and lowercase letters on an overhead projector. It was exciting and new, and built the foundation for my love of writing, and to this day I write exclusively in cursive. Following the excitement of cursive came my love for journaling. Still today, I find great joy and peace in writing in my journal. I love to go back and read the princess diary I maintained in elementary or the journal I kept so faithfully as my dad fought for his life in an Intensive Care Unit just a few years ago. I believe that beautiful writing is not about the words we use, but the emotions we conjure. I consider myself to be an expressive writer, because I have come to know that I express myself far better in writing than I ever could aloud. While I do enjoy a good research paper, I have found tha t I only succeed in my goals when I write my thoughts and feelings on subjects that I am deeply passionate about. While some days, I am the writer who spends two days editing and reediting an Instagram caption, searching for that perfect pun. I aim for perfection in everything I do, but as Brian Jackson teaches in his book, Mindful Writing, perfection is never truly reached. I came to realize the writer I am my sophomore year of high school. As I mentioned earlier, the most faithful journaling time inShow MoreRelatedMy Experience Of Creative Writing946 Words  | 4 PagesCreative writing is something that has and always will be an important part of my life. It’s helped me discover what I truly want to do in life and something that I have been interested in ever since I was a young kid. I remember vividly when I first starting taking an interest in writing original stories of my own. 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